Report Hawk

SK Report Hawk
Report Hawk is a Personal injury report writing software, developed in-house at SKMP by a team of experienced MedCo accredited doctors, along with our IT developers and experienced project management team.
Following confirmation the government were pressing ahead with their reforms, we believed current report writing tools where simply not fit for purpose in the current climate.
Formats previously available were created solely for whiplash purposes with non- tariff injuries, a mere ‘add on’ to a medical report.
Report Hawk allows experts to deal with every injury, tariff, non-tariff and psychological, in a full, unique and uniformed way, ensuring client’s receive the correct compensation from their injuries.
Benefits of Report Hawk include:
- A report writing tool built specifically to deal with the reforms.
- Full sections to create non-tariff injuries linked to MedCo numerical values, giving full injury descriptions, onsets, prognosis and treatment types etc.
- Full uniformity on how the prognosis is recorded for all injuries.
- Specific recordings of exceptional circumstances for both injury and loss of amenity.
- Ability for experts to do reports for any MRO / LIP or Solicitor direct.
- Cutting report time by 50% on current available report writing tools.
- Inbuilt artificial intelligence so that our system auto-learns an experts requirements.
- Key information pre-populated for experts saving time with data entry.
- Ability for experts to customise their own answers and select which one automatically is selected for new reports.
- Experts can change orders for answers based on frequency of use.
- Web based application allowing you to build reports on any device with a browser which can connect to the internet from anywhere in the world.
- Automatic non-clinical Checking.
- Automated MedCo Validation.
Access to an expert account can be provided on request by emailing